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Lozells Junior and Infant School and Nursery


Calling All Artists in Lozells


What to do:
Create a piece of art inspired by nature. The only limit is your imagination! Will you create a pencil drawing of your favourite animal? Or will it be a collage of your favourite place? You can create anything you like, using any materials you like – go wild!

To enter:
Your parents can enter you into this competition directly to the RSPB. You DO NOT need to bring it into school. (Unless you would like to show it to us!)
Email a photo of your artwork to with the heading ‘WildArt 2024 Competition’, and write your name and age. WildArt is split into three age groups: under 8s, 8–12s and 13 years and over, and the RSPB judges will be selecting one winner from each age group.
Please note: If your parents would prefer school to enter then you can bring it into school by Tuesday 22nd October for Mrs Latham to enter you.

The prizes:
Not only will the winning artwork be featured in our youth publications, and other RSPB communications, the winners will also receive an RSPB prize bundle too! Previous winner of WildArt 8-12 category
Closing date:
October 31st 2024

Terms and conditions:
Scan the QR code or click the link to read the rules and terms and conditions. 

Please see attached flyer.

Our Awards
