Behaviour Pastoral Care
Behaviour & Pastoral Care at Lozells School
We have a dedicated Pastoral and Safeguarding team at Lozells to ensure that all pupils feel respected, valued and safe; knowing how to challenge discrimination, prejudice or mis-use of power in their own lives safely and appropriately.
Our aim is:
- To ensure a culture of positivity, mutual respect and a calm working environment in school;
- Pupils know that staff care about their well-being.
- Pupils feel safe and confident to raise concerns and know that they will be listened to and action will be taken.
- Pupils know that incidents of bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment are not accepted and if they occur, are dealt with quickly, consistently and effectively.
- Pupils know that the behaviour policy will be applied consistently by all staff and that they will always be treated fairly.
Who is who?
Stephanie Welch | Designated Safeguarding Lead
Iantha Grant | Pastoral Manager/Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Colin Thompson | Learning Mentor
Reshma Begum | Parent Ambassador/Attendance Administrator
Our Pastoral Team is here to:
- Listen
- Offer support
- Promote positive behaviour
- Identify the barriers to learning and set targets
- Offer encouragement and build self-esteem and confidence
Who does our Pastoral Team work with?
- Individuals and groups of children
- Teachers and other members of staff
- Parents/carers
- External agencies such as; Social Services, Police, Health Professionals, Education Welfare Service, Doctors and nurses.
The Role of the Pastoral Team for Children:
- Build confidence, raise self-esteem and motivation
- Improve social skills, form relationships with friends, family and staff
- Improve attendance and punctuality
- Remove barriers to learning
- Help children to achieve their potential
For Families:
- Improve support and communication between home and school
- Access to outside agencies and someone to talk to in confidence
For school:
- More effective and efficient communication between parents/carers, teachers and outside agencies
- Reduction in anti-social behaviour
Which children are likely to benefit?
There are many young people and families who benefit from being supported by our Pastoral Leader, especially those who receive no extra support out of school.
These children include:
- Poor attendees and/or late
- Underachievers
- Lack of self esteem/motivation
- Have difficulties at home
- Are ‘looked after’ children
- Suffering from behavioural problems
- Victims of abuse
- Bereavement
- Medical problems
What strategies do our Pastoral Team use to help a child further or reach their full potential?
- 1:1 mentoring session to discuss problems and address how these may be overcome via solution focus-based approaches.
- Individual sessions focusing on particular issues such as bullying, attendance etc
- Group activities such as circle time and friendship groups
- Utilisation of child's own hobbies or interests to enhance performance
- Peer mentoring and budding
- Liaise with parents and other agencies when in best interest of the child/family and school.
What can parents’ carers do to help?
- Discuss any concerns with the Pastoral Leader
- Talk to your child about concerns they may have and contact the school
- Seek advice and support from the Pastoral Leader at any time
- Attend parents evening
- Keep up to date with school news letters
- Read school website on a regular basis.