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Lozells Junior and Infant School and Nursery

School Uniform

The school has a uniform, which all pupils wear.  We believe that wearing a uniform is important for a number of reasons: pupils look smart; pupils are proud to be part of the school; pupils do not compete with each other for the latest fashion. 

Jewellery should not be worn in school, with the exception of small ear studs, as dangling earrings and necklaces can cause injuries in PE lessons or when children are playing outside. 

We ask that pupils wear shoes for school.  Trainers should only be worn for outdoor PE lessons.  For pupils’ safety, high heels and floppy sandals are not permitted as they can cause falls when children are at play.  If pupils wear boots to come to school they should bring shoes to change into.

There is a Lost Property container in school and pupils are asked to check here first when items of clothing go missing in school.  We recommend that all clothing should have the child’s name inside them.  This can be done by writing on the label or by using name labels.


Lozells school uniform comprises:

Nursery – Year 2

Black trousers, leggings, skirt or pinafore

White polo shirt

Navy blue round-neck sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan showing the school logo

Plain navy shoulder-length headscarf/hijab if required

Blue/white gingham summer dresses

Black school shoes – no trainers, open toe sandals or heeled boots/shoes


Years 3 – 6

Black trousers, leggings, skirt or pinafore

White shirt or blouse (not polo shirt)

Navy blue v-neck sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan showing the school logo

School tie

Plain navy shoulder-length headscarf/hijab if required

Blue/white gingham summer dresses

Black school shoes – no trainers, open toe sandals or heeled boots/shoes


P.E. Kit (all year groups):

White T shirt with school logo

Black shorts / leggings / track suit bottoms (no large logos)

Black pumps / plimsolls for indoor use and black trainers for outdoor use


To order school uniform or for more information, please click any link below;


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