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Lozells Junior and Infant School and Nursery

Disabilities Access

It is the overall aim of Lozells School to do all that is reasonably possible to ensure that the school’s facilities, services, culture, policies and procedures are made accessible to pupils, staff members and visitors who have disabilities, and to comply with our moral and legal responsibilities under the Equality Act (2010).


Lozells School is a new build; as such our facilities for persons with disabilities are excellent. We are able to accommodate the needs of pupils, parents/guardians, visitors and members of staff who have disabilities.


Dedicated disabled parking bays are allocated in the front and side car park, with access to the site available through the front double-doors or through the middle double-doors of this the new building.


Access to the ground floor is by one lift allowing pupils, parents/guardians, visitors and members of staff who have disabilities the opportunity to access all parts of the site.


NB: A person is defined as having a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment, which has a “substantial and long-term adverse effect” on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activity (Equality Act 2010).

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